Christmas décor for a good cause

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Pictured above: Crafty teen Chase Michaluk (left) and Lisa Thomas, Solo Store Manager, with some of the crafts the Solo store has acquired throughout the years.

A young from Pinawa, MB, has put her arts and crafts skills to work to make Christmas decorations and raise funds for the animal rescue organizations in her community.

13-year-old Chase Michaluk  has loved animals since she was a little girl. When she was only four years old, she started collecting pet food for animals in need, but as she grew and developed crafting skills, she started creating different items and decorations to raise money for a number of organizations.

Chase made bookmarks when she was eight years old and at age nine, she started making seasonal wooden figures such as candle holders, owls, reindeer and snowmen. This year she made bears, raising $4,250. She has raised just over $17,000 since starting out.

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Pictured above: Chase’s wooden figures can be found all over the Solo Pinawa store. In past years, store staff would often move them around so kids could have fun trying to find them.

Usually, Chase sets up at a local craft sale but this year, due to the pandemic, she sold the wooden figures through social media with the help of her mother. Lisa Thomas, Store Manager at Solo Pinawa, has proudly supported Chase’s fundraising efforts for the last three years, placing her order in advance. Snowmen and reindeers can be found around the store, and this year 20 bears were added to the store’s décor collection.

“This young lady has a huge heart and I am sure her generosity will continue as she grows. We are so proud of her and will continue to support her in years to come,” said Thomas.