Chisasibi teen takes on world cubing competitions by storm

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Picture above: Walter Duff (left) and Chisasibi Northern Store Manager, Edmund McKay (right) with a TV the store donated to raise funds to help Duff compete.

A teenager from the town of Chisasibi, QC, has made quite the name for himself in the world of competitive cubing.

Walter Duff has been competing in national and international cubing competitions for at least four years, quickly solving different puzzle cubes including 3x3x3 (like a Rubik’s cube), 2x2x2, 4x4x4 cubes and more. He holds the current Canadian record for solving the Skewb, a six-sided combination puzzle, in 1.83 seconds, and recently competed at the Canadian Championship 2019 in Niagara Falls, the World Championship 2019 in Melbourne, Australia and the Montreal Limited Winter 2019.

Duff has had tremendous support from family, friends and the Chisasibi Northern store throughout his cubing journey so far. The Northern store recently helped with sponsoring a fundraising campaign with a Maverick off-road vehicle as the grand prize, which was drawn at the end of September. In the past, the store has provided support through cash and TV donations.

Chisasibi Northern Store Manager Edmund McKay is proud of the support that the store has been providing to Duff since 2016.

“The Duffs are a very proud and supportive family, in both this and their children’s educational dreams. We have always made it a point to support them, as sometimes individuals don't get supported the same way larger, more well-known entities might get support,” said Edmund McKay, Chisasibi Northern Store Manager.