Revamping Ski Club signs with Greener Tomorrow

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Pictured above (from left) are Carol Findlay, Pinawa Foundation Treasurer; Jennifer Ford of the Whiteshell Cross Country Ski Club and Lisa Thomas, Pinawa Northern Store Manager, receiving the $4,081 Greener Tomorrow cheque.

Residents of Pinawa, MB, will be able to enjoy a popular outdoor activity in the area more than ever, thanks to a grant from the Greener Tomorrow Program.

The Whiteshell Cross Country Ski Club recently received a donation of $4,081 from Solo Market for new signage for the Club’s ski trails.

The Ski Club has developed and maintained the 40 kilometres of ski trails in the area for over 47 years, and this grant will help to finance a much-needed upgrade to the signs on the trail that help guide skiers.

“The Pinawa Foundation is pleased to have brought Solo’s generosity together with the Whiteshell Cross Country Ski Club’s sign project. We would also like to thank Jennifer Ford for all her efforts, both for this project and the Ski Club’s participation in Community Project month,” shared Pinawa Foundation Treasurer Carol Findlay.

These Greener Tomorrow grants help communities such as Pinawa by ensuring important organizations in the community, like The Whiteshell Cross Country Ski Club, can provide the consistent quality in their services that community members have come to expect of them.