Peter Pitsiulak named Northern’s North Star

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Pictured: Northern Kimmirut, NU Store Manager Sheryl Carruthers (right) presented the President’s Award 2019 for Merchandising to Peter Pitsiulak (left) for his consistent efforts.

Each year, The North West Company presents the President’s Award to exemplary individuals who demonstrate strong work ethic, passion and dedication towards not only the store’s operation but also their community.

At The North West Company, we are guided by six core principles that allow us to be a leading retailer to underserved communities in Northern Canada:  Customer Driven, Passion, Enterprise, Accountability, Trust, and Personal Balance.

Northern Kimmirut’s Peter Pitsiulak is someone who encompasses these values perfectly, earning him the President’s Award for Merchandising. Peter is a knowledgeable employee who devotes his time to ensure customers receive the best service from the Northern store. Store Manager Sheryl Carruthers has only high praise for him.

“Peter is now an integral part of every step of the Merchandising chain at our store in every department. One moment he is at the plane, the next he will be helping sell skidoo parts and then he will be on the cash till. Other times Peter has been in charge of training multiple employees in our store’s high standards and other times he has been helping supervise over 30 staff. Customers return to our store multiple times per day and each time they know we have what they were looking for and more. This is due largely in part to Peter's consistent efforts,” said Carruthers.

The North West Company is proud to have an employee like Peter Pitsiulak, and will continue to recognize employees’ hard work and contribution.