Did You Know About Garden Hill?

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Pictured above is Alvin, a Northern Garden Hill staff member, who is always happy and ready to help customers.

The North West Company is proud of the active role we play within communities. We strive to help make a positive, progressive difference within each community we serve – and our role in the community of Garden Hill, MB is no exception.

Garden Hill is the second largest of three First Nation communities of the Island Lake region of northeastern Manitoba. It is only accessible by winter ice roads via St. Theresa Point or by air.

Did you know?

North West is proud of the impact we have on the community of Garden Hill.

1.  Community Support: Throughout 2018, over $26,406 was donated to support the community and local initiatives.

2.  Employment: Northern has hired 62 employees in total with 91% Indigenous employees.

3. Capital Investment: Over the past 10 years, Northern has spent $10,413,037 in terms of capital investment in the Garden Hill store.

Northern Garden Hill moved to the mainland in June of 2018, removing geographical barriers in order to better serve community members. Northern’s manager Bernie Miller noticed a significant increase in customer turnout as a result of this relocation,

“Our customers no longer have to travel across water, ice or whatever the season dictates to gain access to our many services. Children are a common sight in the store, especially in the toy and electronics aisle!”

The community’s wellbeing is the store’s main priority. With easily accessible and improved services, Northern Garden Hill now offers fresh food and beverages, household appliances, personal care items and financial services, seven days a week.