Oak Table Christmas luncheon


                        Oak Table Volunteers.jpg (158 KB)

                          Pictured above are volunteers who lent their time to Oak Table.

Guests at the Oak Table in Winnipeg enjoyed a holiday meal and even some Giant Tiger gift cards this holiday season.

Oak Table Inc. is an incorporated charity that strives to provide hospitality, support and advocacy for those in need of a safe, respectful community. Since its creation in 1981, the initiative has enjoyed increased reputation and now accommodates more than 200 people.

Oak Table held a Christmas luncheon for their guests this past December, creating an opportunity for individuals to strike up conversations, make new friends and feel a sense of belonging and warmth during the coldest time of year.

The North West Company has been supporting Oak Table’s gift card campaign for the past four years, allowing guests to receive something special at Christmas. This year, North West provided Giant Tiger gift cards to the guests, allowing them to treat themselves in their own preferred way.

“One of our guests came in wearing a new outfit he purchased at Giant Tiger. He was extra happy because he was wearing the same shirt as his supervisor. Other visitors were also excited to plan what they would use the gift cards for,” said Glynis Quinn, Executive Director of Oak Table Inc.

The North West Company was happy to make a contribution to bring joy to the lives of people at Oak Table during the holidays.