Canadian Red Cross Event


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Pictured above is Michelle Palansky and her team representing the Red Cross Wildfire Evacuation event.

When wildfires break out in northern communities, the Canadian Red Cross often steps in. A wildfire evacuation event they held at the University of Winnipeg on September 23, 2019 is an example of how they also help people be prepared when disaster strikes.

The event was a large-scale emergency response simulation, based on the wildfire evacuation in 2018, when residents of Pauingassi and Little Grand Rapids First Nations were evacuated to Winnipeg. The main purpose of the event was to show people what to do in a disastrous response situation.

The display highlighted a mock reception centre and shelter, the Emergency Operations Centre and many of the partners who provide services and information to an evacuated community during a time of crisis.

The Canadian Red Cross supports First Nations communities when it comes to flooding and wildfires, and that plays a key role for us at The North West Company.

Red Cross is a partner that The North West Company has collaborated with in many jurisdictions when natural disasters such as forest fires, hurricanes and floods have impacted communities we serve through donations of food, supplies and raising support.

The North West Company is proud to support agencies like the Canadian Red Cross who are making a difference in communities when they need support the most.