Igloolik cleans its streets thanks to Greener Tomorrow grant

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Pictured (left to right): Matt Teed, Grocery Manager presents the Greener Tomorrow check to Celestino Uyarak, Mayor of Igloolik.


Igloolik, NU has cleaned up their community thanks to a $5,000 grant from the Greener Tomorrow Program.

The grant was used towards funding community cleanup initiatives for the hamlet, helping employ the 10 youth who cleaned 1,000 pounds of garbage and debris from the community’s streets.

“The Northern store here in Igloolik is happy to be able to contribute to the effort to continue to keep our community clean and beautiful,” said Matt Teed, Grocery Manager. “We look forward to continuing to be able to donate and contribute to special groups and activities through our Greener Tomorrow program.”

“It is nice to see that we can both support each[other] and make Igloolik a better place to live,” added Celestino Uyarak, Mayor of Igloolik.

The Greener Tomorrow Program is an initiative designed to reduce the plastic waste in communities while supporting local initiatives. Customers are charged a fee for plastic bags, then all funds accumulated throughout the year are reinvested back into the community.