Robert-Falcon Ouellette MP drops by our retail simulator!

On Wednesday, April 14, 2019, Mr. Robert Falcon Ouellette MP visited our Training Centre. Elected to represent the riding of Winnipeg Centre, he was very interested in learning about the Training Centre, the mock store, along with our Investment in Winnipeg City.

After a tour of our one-of-a-kind training facility, Abraham Simon, the Training Center Director, highlighted that North West is the largest private employer of Indigenous people in Canada, and showcased the programs we offer to continue to increase these opportunities in the communities we serve.

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The tour ended with a presentation of our various customer and community-driven initiatives that resulted in our Health Happy program, Indigenous language program posters, and shelf talkers. Mr. Ouellette was equally impressed with the Winter Road/ Sealift pricing strategy to keep the prices low for the communities and our informational Posters and Shelf Talkers to inform our communities about Nutrition North.

Want to be our next guest to the Training Center? Visit to find out how!